Tuesday, December 21, 2010

San Diego North Valley Real Estate Blog: Common Sense Underwriting...Is That You My Old Friend...? http://ping.fm/rfYcB

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Short Sale almost Killed by Servicer Greed

Here is a good example of this happening. A real estate agent had a short sale with one of the largest lenders in America. The short sale negotiator said that they would not approve the short sale unless the seller came to closing with 50k cash. The sellers said no way.

Turns out the negotiator was not following Fannie Mae’s Short Sale Guidelines


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Lenders aren?t doing Loan Modifications on Car loan either

Escondido CA – I just saw a story in the news. It appears that some companies were charging $275 to $400 for car payment reductions. They would attempt to negotiate lower payments with the lender on the car loan.

Discover how other sellers successfully did a short sale and request a free consultation.

The only problem was that lenders were unwilling to offer payment reductions. I agree with the premise that auto lenders should be willing to reduce payments in certain circumstances. For example, many car leasing On the road Lenders aren't doing Loan Modifications on Car loan either companies would not offer to sell cars at the end of a lease for the fair market value.